Unexpected Games is a new studio headed up by Corey Koniecka, who was the former VP of Research and Design at Fantasy Flight Games, and their debut game is a cooperative game that allows players take on the roles of teenagers who've discovered a mysterious board game called The Key. It is a campaign-based game, told through a comic book, where players complete various missions in order to begin the next chapter. Each chapter has interconnected elements, and the players will engage codebreaking as well as weave a narrative as they experience the tale of mystery that unfolds.
The game box comes with a double-sided gameboard, a comic book (48 pages), 5 Action cards, 4 Character cards, 41 Large Mission cards, 40 Resource cards, 30 Secret cards, and more. No word has been given about retail price as of the publication of this article.Asmodee USA will also release Anansi, a trick-taking game by HeidelBAR Games, into U.S. retail on January 22 (see "Asmodee USA Will Release 'Anansi' into U.S. Retail").