The Stargirl Spring Break Special #1 comic follows along in the series of novelty holiday one-shots DC began releasing again, which started last December with DC's Very Merry Multiverse and was followed up by DC Love is a Battlefield #1 which was released on February 9 (see "Confessions of a Comic Book Guy -- Content For Christmas" and also "Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy Grace the Cover of DC's Valentine's Day-Themed 80-Page Special"). This time the "holiday season" in focus is Spring Break, and this Stargirl comic penned by Geoff Johns takes center stage. Although not an 80-page giant like the previous holiday specials, it still has a sizeable adventure story featuring Stargirl accompanied by S.T.R.I.P.E and his former team, the Seven Soldiers of Victory.
Stargirl Spring Break Special #1 is a 49-page comic illustrated by Todd Nauck. It features a main cover by Todd Nauck, which retails for $5.99, and a card stock variant by Mike McKone that retails for $6.99.
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