Brotherwise Games unveiled Overboss Duel, the next game in the Boss Monster series of games, for release into retail on September 20, 2023.
Overboss Duel is a two-player version of Overboss (see " 'Overboss'"). In this version, players engage in a head-to-head battle in an effort to dominate the Overworld. Players share a board, and can draft and place terrain tiles and monster tokens anywhere on the board. Each terrain type has a different point values and unique abilities, which can allow players to move tiles and tokens across the Overworld and steal opponents' points. This game is a standalone, but can also be used an expansion to the original Overboss game.
The game comes with 60 Terrain tiles, 50 Monster tokens, 5 Crystal tokens, 7 Spire tokens, 15 Hero tokens, 6 Miniboss tokens, 6 Boss cards, 5 Terrain Selection cards, a rulebook, a scorepad, a token bag, and a double-sided Duel Board. This game is for two players, ages 8 and up, plays in 20 to 30 minutes, and will retail for $29.95.

The Next Game in the 'Boss Monster' Series
Posted by Jeffrey Dohm-Sanchez on March 10, 2023 @ 8:08 am CT

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