Game Workshop has announced changes to its Golden Demon painting competition, which will take place first at Adepticon in Milwaukee in March (see “Adepticon Moving to Milwaukee”). Two category changes were announced: Duel will be a discrete category for two-character pieces, and Underworlds warbands will now be part of the Warhammer Age of Sigmar Unit category, along with Warcry warbands.
Categories for the competition are now:
- Warhammer 40,000
- Single Miniature
- Unit or Kill Team
- Large Model or Vehicle
- Warhammer Age of Sigmar
- Single Miniature
- Unit, Warcry or Underworlds Warband
- Large Model or War Machine
- Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game
- Blood Bowl
- Warhammer The Old World
- Warhammer The Horus Heresy
- Necromunda
- Diorama
- Epic Scale
- Duel
- Youngbloods (ages 12-15)
- Open
The names for awards that have captured the judges’ attention below the top three in each category have also been changed, to Finalist, Commended, and Notable.
Last year’s categories also had some changes, and the annual competition was expanded to two venues (see “Updates Competition Category”).