The first of the two card games is Monster Match. This game is part of the Kitten Games line (see "New Line of Games for Kids"). In this game, players draw 10 cards at a time, and then they roll dice and hunt for the elements on the card that match the roll. When a player identifies the parameters that match, they get to claim the card. This game is for 4 and up; it will retail for $14.99 and release on August 1, 2025.
The second card game unveiled was Coyote, a collaboration game made with social media star and best-selling author Tim Feriss. It is a party game where players carry out the actions depicted on the cards in order. They also add modifiers to the cards each round as they act out the cards in rhythm. This game is for 3 to six people, ages 10 and up. It will also arrive in Q3 2025 and retail for $9.99.Click on Gallery below for full-size images!