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Advertising and PR Manager
September 24, 2001
ICv2 has learned that WizKids, the company that created the category-defining collectible miniatures game Mage Knight , has tapped Jonathan Leithuesser for the post of Advertising and Public Relations Manager. Leithuesser is a veteran of the games industry with solid credentials.
Lower Reorder Impact?
September 20, 2001
As was the case last month, DC was the greatest percentage gainer after reorder dollars were included. There was one shift in ranks -- Viz topped CrossGen for the #6 slot--after reorders were included.
Tortured Souls Top Toys
September 20, 2001
The biggest surprises at the top of the lists in August are the #1 toys product -- Clive Barker's Tortured Souls from Mcfarlane -- and the #1 anime -- the El Hazard OVA DVD box set.
Will Now Be Released After Show's Debut
September 18, 2001
Marvel will be rescheduling and resoliciting its Mutant X comic, based on the new live action TV show.
Cars that Go Va Va Voom!
September 12, 2001
Now Diamond Select has inked a deal with CMG Worldwide, the marketing agency that controls licensing rights for over 200 dead celebrities including Marilyn Monroe.
Surprising Strength in Weak Month
September 11, 2001
The initial advance orders to Diamond Comic Distributors for comics shipping in September showed surprising strength this year, with an increase of around 6% vs. August.
Normal Publishing Suspended Today
September 10, 2001
Out of respect for the gravity of today's events, ICv2 is suspending its normal coverage except for the news we've been able to collect to date on the immediate effects on the industry.
New Publisher 'To Tampa' with Comics Scribe
September 9, 2001
Veteran comic scribe Chuck Dixon, who began writing for four-color heroes back in 1985, is heading to Tampa to join forces with the Crossgen team on March 1, 2002.
Due in December
September 9, 2001
The Radiant Light Dragon will be the last dragon figure that Wiz Kids will release until the second half of 2002,
Plus Retailer Reaction
September 8, 2001
During Wednesday's Marvel Press Conference, ICv2 posed a question about a new set of numbers that Diamond released which tracked comic product that actually shipped during the month.
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