'True Blood' Makes the Top 20
April 21, 2011
Naruto Vol. 50 remained the bestselling GN in bookstores in March.
Sales Estimates for March Based on Diamond Indexes and Publisher Title Data
April 12, 2011
These are estimates of the sales on graphic novels by Diamond U.S. to comic specialty stores during March 2011.
Pokemon Largest Creditor
April 6, 2011
4Kids Entertainment filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection on Wednesday.
'Double Booking'
April 5, 2011
J Brian Cobos of Phoenix Games comments on the M:TG New
Phyrexia pre-release date.
Column by Scott Thorne
April 3, 2011
This week, Thorne talks about the potential hazards of a Magic pre-release and Free Comic Book Day on the same weekend.
If Suit Not Settled
April 1, 2011
4Kids may file for Chapter 11 if it can't settle the Yu-Gi-Oh! suit.
Over Yu-Gi-Oh!
March 30, 2011
TV Tokyo and NAS have sued 4Kids over alleged Yu-Gi-Oh! kickbacks.
From 'ICv2's Internal Correspondence' #74
March 29, 2011
This chart of the ICv2 "Top 25 Manga Properties" reflects sales in all channels for 2010.
From 'ICv2's Internal Correspondence' #74
March 29, 2011
This chart of the ICv2 "Top 10 Shonen Properties" reflects sales in all channels for 2010.
From 'ICv2's Internal Correspondence' #74
March 28, 2011
These charts of the Top 5 Collectible Games Over-all, Top 5 Mass Market Channel Collectible Games and Top 10 Hobby Channel Collectible Games reflect sales in Q4 2010.