Results 1910-1913 of 1913
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Website to Continue
April 17, 2001
Pojo's Pokemon magazine will soon cease monthly publication. Although sources had earlier told ICv2 that the April issue would be the last, the May issue is currently on newsstands, and the June issue, which will be on the stands in early May, will be the last regular monthly issue.
Post-holiday Sales Trends Start To Emerge
March 4, 2001
A first look at the ICv2 Top Ten Cool lists for January shows a return to more traditional buying patterns after the holiday season. This trend has been reinforced by a change in the Top Ten Cool format here at ICV2.
Mage Knight Rebellion Starters and Boosters
January 29, 2001
Our favorite new release for December combines the miniature game with trading card-style packaging, creating a new hit that crosses categories.
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