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Sales Rankings Based on Comic Store POS Data
February 2, 2023
These are unit and dollar sales rankings based on sales tracked at point-of-sale by the ComicHub system at stores selling American comics around the world
'The Great Game - Houses of the Landsraad'
January 20, 2023
Modiphius Entertainment revealed The Great Game - Houses of the Landsraad, a new supplement for Dune: Adventures in the Imperium RPG.
Geek Showbiz Round-Up
January 9, 2023
2023 is just getting started, and the showbiz news is rolling in. Time for a round-up!
'Architect Asset Deck' and 'Agents Asset Deck'
November 23, 2022
Modiphius Entertainment unveils Architect Asset Deck and Agents Asset Deck, for Dune: Adventures in the Imperium RPG.
Geek Showbiz Round-up
October 17, 2022
It's past the mid-point of October, and the sheer volume of showbiz news is getting spooky. Time for another round-up!
'The Sandman', Webtoons, and a Cosplay Manga
September 12, 2022
The Sandman and webtoon adaptations did particularly well this month, and a new volume of cosplay manga makes the chart as well.
What a Difference a Blockbuster Makes
September 12, 2022
Strong sales of The Sandman gave the Superhero chart a big boost.
Sales Rankings (Units and Dollars) Based on Comic Store POS Data
September 8, 2022
These are unit and dollar sales rankings based on sales tracked at point-of-sale by the ComicHub system at stores selling American comics around the world.
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