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May 31, 2024; Greenfield, WI
June 3, 2024
We visited a GameStop store located at 7420 W Holmes Ave., Greenfield, Wisconsin on Friday, May 31.
Trends and Change in the Comic and Book Markets
May 22, 2024
In Part 1, we discuss recent market trends in comic stores and the book market, and the nature of those changes.
Sales Rankings Based on Comic Store POS Data
April 8, 2024
These are unit and dollar sales rankings based on sales tracked at point-of-sale by the ComicHub system at stores selling American comics around the world.
Showbiz Round-up
March 25, 2024
March Madness is well underway, but a different kind of Trailer Madness is happening in Hollywood. Time for a round-up!
Showbiz Round-up
March 4, 2024
Spring has sprung a bit early, and Hollywood news is popping up all over. It's time for a round-up!
Bridging the Gap Between 'Ghostbusters: Afterlife' and 'Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire'
November 22, 2023
The miniseries fills in the story between the end of Ghostbusters: Afterlife and the upcoming Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire.
Showbiz Round-up
November 13, 2023
The strikes are over, productions are getting back on track, and it's time for a showbiz round-up!
Writer and Artist, Left 'Em Laughing
October 12, 2023
Giffen, who was known for his sense of humor, left the world with one last joke.
New from Brian Michael Bendis and Jacob Edgar
August 21, 2023
Every person in every mythology who was told they were THE ONE teams up to defeat… the ACTUAL One in the brand-new comic series, THE ONES.
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