Results 3140-3144 of 3144
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Dragonball Nearly Takes it all
February 6, 2001
Internet users looking for information about their favorite interests searched for Dragonball more than any other topic except Britney Spears in 2000, according to the Lycos 50 top searches for 2000.
10% RIF
March 22, 2001
Dark Horse Comics has quietly reduced its staff by about ten percent over the last sixty days.
2000 Flicks Fail To Flog the Schwag
February 6, 2001
Without a Star Wars or even a Blair Witch Project to spur sales in 2000, licensed movie merchandise purchases plummeted precipitously.
Will Retailers Cash in on LOTR
December 18, 2001
The first episode of Peter Jackson's adaptation of J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings trilogy opened today to nearly universal critical acclaim.
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