At Anime Expo FUNimation announced the acquisition of Darker Than Black, a 25-episode anime series directed by Tensai Okamura, and Planet of the Beast King (Jyu Oh Sei), an 11-episode series that aired on Japanese TV in 2006.  In addition to these two series both produced by Bones, FUNimation also made a number of expected announcements including the second seasons of Negima and Tsubasa Chronicle as well as the Clamp-based xxxHOLIC series.  In a somewhat surprising move FUNimation announced that it had acquired the rights (originally held by Bandai) for the Love Hina anime series and specials.


Darker Than Black is a hot new noir fantasy science fiction saga, which debuted on Japanese TV on April 7th and which benefits greatly from a score by Yoko Kanno.  With a complex and intense storyline, Darker Than Black is series with major potential here in the U.S. 


Based on a shojo science fiction manga by Natsumi Itsuki, which Tokyopop announced at Anime Expo, Planet of the Beast King (Jyo Oh Sei) is the sort of fantasy-inspired, Edgar Rice Burroughs-like space opera (complete with carnivorous plants, scummy outcasts, and a 'Beast King' who is the only  one with the ability to leave the planet) that could also appeal to American audiences.


FUNimation also announced that in 2008 it will begin releasing uncut One Piece DVDs starting with Season 3 as well as the eighth One Piece movie.