Internationally renowned writer Salman Rushdie had a graphic novel moment in his appearance on CBS’s Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson on Tuesday night.
Rushdie answered, “Yeah, and actually I got asked recently if I’d like to write a graphic novel. I was kind of keen on it. When I was a kid I was a real comic book nut. I could tell you a lot about superheroes.”
Rushdie then launched into a discussion of Aquaman and segued into Kryptonite, muffing the difference between Green and Red Kryptonite after bragging that he knew what they were. But he circled back to the graphic novel concept and wrapped up with, “So I’m quite attracted to the idea of a graphic novel. I might have a go.”
“I think you should do it,”
It seems unlikely that the question from
Rushdie’s publisher is Random House, parent of Del Rey and Pantheon, both of which publish graphic novels.