Disney/Pixar has released a third theatrical trailer for Cars 2, which opens nationwide on June 24th. Directed by Pixar honcho John Lasseter and Brad Lewis (Ratatouille), Cars 2 features the vocal talents of Owen Wilson, Michael Caine, Tony Shaloub, Cheech Marin, and Larry the Cable Guy, who voices Mater, the rickety tow truck that plays a key role in the plot of Cars 2, which, as this new trailer indicates, deals as much with “international intrigue” as it does with racing. 

Michael Caine provides the voice for a James Bond-like Aston Martin spy car and Emily Mortimer voices Holley Shiftwell, a beautiful young British desk agent turned spy-in-training.
Cars 2, the sequel to the original 2006 Pixar film, which spawned sales of over a billion dollars worth of merchandise, is one of this summer’s safest movie bets. Marvel is publishing a special Cars 2-themed Disney*Pixar Magazine, which is due out this month (see “Marvel Gets Pixar”).