Mark Millar, who was recently named a consultant for Twentieth Century Fox’s Marvel Comics-based films (see "Fox Does Deal With Millar"), has been talking about Fox’s next big Marvel movie, X-Men: Days of Future Past, a movie that will be based in large part on Chris Claremont and John Byrne’s classic X-Men saga that appeared in Uncanny X-Men in 1981 (see "Its 'Days of Future Past' For 'X-Men: First Class'"), and which is slated to debut on July 18th, 2014.
X-Men: Days of Future Past is the sequel to Fox’s 2011 film X-Men: First Class and it will feature the same cast and director (Matthew Vaughn). In an interview with SFX magazine, Millar opined, "Vaughn is going for a big sci-fi thing with X-Men: Days of Future Past… It’s X-Men vs. Terminator.  You’ve got robots, you’ve got time travel, you’ve got superheroes--it’s got everything in one film."
Though X-Men: First Class cost a reported $160 million to make (and earned $353 million worldwide at the box office), with its depiction of a future in which the Sentinels control the U.S. and mutants are hunted down, X-Men: Days of Future Past is epic in scope and could cost much more, though Millar is confident that Vaughn, who developed his directing chops on modestly-budgeted independent features, can hold costs down to a reasonable level, "Cost-wise it’s going to go up, and ambitious-wise it’s gone up, but Vaughn can handle it.  Vaughn made Kick-Ass for $28 million."