Just a thought, in response to Steve Bennett's column…
Has any store ever created a "Sheldon Cooper Recommends" display? After all, many collectibles--Green Lantern's lantern, Hulk Hands, et al--have appeared and been coveted by Dr. Cooper. He frequently wears the Flash logo T-shirt, and at Halloween all four Big Bang guys wanted to dress as the Scarlet Speedster.
Which book was the "need it" in "got it, got it, need it"? Which issue of Batman did Raj have Stan Lee sign?
And aren't there others they've specifically mentioned? "Comics Worth Reading noted, "In episode 11… we also see his reading comics, stored in magazine boxes, with Tempest, The Spectre, and Flash issues visible next to a shelf full of Showcase Presents reprint volumes--Superman, Superman Family, Atom, Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter, Flash, Metamorpho -- as well as a House of Secrets poster."
A little bit of research might give some retailers a new way to sell books.
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