Guillermo del Toro’s return to the world of kaiju and giant fighting robots has been confirmed by Legendary with a movie sequel, an animated series, and more comics. The movie is scheduled to open April 7, 2017, a date it currently has to itself as far as geek films (see "Best in Shows--Q2 2017").
Zak Penn (The Incredible Hulk, X-Men: The Last Stand) will work with del Toro to write the script, which will release in 3D and Imax. Legendary Films will produce the film, which will be distributed by Universal, whom they just began a five year arrangement with (see "Legendary Goes to Universal"). 2013’s Pacific Rim cost $190 million to produce and at least another $100 million to market, and only earned $101.7 million in the U.S., but the additional $305.8 million overseas box office gross was apparently enough to warrant a sequel.
In a video announcement, del Toro also confirmed that there is an animated series in development, as well as plans for more comics (a prequel OGN for the first movie was released last summer, see "Review: 'Pacific Rim: Tales From Year Zero' HC").
And Toons and Comics
Posted by ICv2 on June 27, 2014 @ 2:58 pm CT
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