88 MPH Studios and Disney Publishing Worldwide recently announced a new Tron comic book series. The new series, which will follow the Tron 2.0 computer game to be released in August through Buena Vista Games, is a continuation of the 1982 film.  It follows the dual life of Jet Bradley, the son of the original film's Alan Bradley, who must come to terms with living a normal life in the 'real' world, and life in the Tron Universe, where he is a hero.


The first four-part mini series will be available in stores this winter.  A second series will be launched in Spring of 2004, and will travel back in time 20 years to explore the original Tron universe.


It is unclear which publisher will actually release these comics (and the Ghostbusters comics also recently announced by 88 MPH).  Image published the Transformers art book by 88MPH, but according to Image Director of Marketing Eric Stephenson Tron and Ghostbusters have not yet been pitched to Image.  'As I understand it, 88 MPH is in the process of preparing a pitch.  Until we've actually received a proposal of some kind, it's hard to say whether or not we would be publishing comics based on these properties.'