Digital Manga Publishing has announced the acquisition of Mikiyo Tsuda's The Day of Revolution, a shoujo series with yuri (romantic relationships between female characters) undertones. DMP has not yet released a price, release date or rating for Day of Revolution, though it's more than likely that the first volume will appear in 2006.
DMP has also announced two more yaoi (manga created for a female audience by female creators featuring relationships between males) titles, Almost Crying and J-Boy. Although they are generally rated 16+, yaoi comics have carved out a niche in the American market with mid-size publishers such as Digital Manga and CPM (with its Be Beautiful imprint) leading the way. Mako Takahashi's Almost Crying is due out on April 12th and will have a cover price of $12.95. Almost Crying, which details a love triangle between two friends and an orphan adopted by one of the friend's family, is rated 16+. In addition to Almost Crying DMP has announced another yaoi title, J-Boy, a compilation of 1-shot stories from the magazine Junk Boys. No release date, price or rating information is available for J-Boys at this time.