The series will be written by Gordon Rennie (2000 AD, Starship Troopers) and illustrated by Duke Mighten (Judge Dredd). The patriotic hero was created in 1954 by Simon and Kirby, and was creator owned. Fighting American was published by Crestwood Publications under its Prize Comics imprint. The story initially was intended as a serious adventure publication, with Fighting American fighting “Commies,” but it soon became a superhero satire with the hero besting such outrageous villains as Double Header, Hotsky Trotsky, and Round Robin. The new series will pick up right where the 1954 series left off. The series will launch in late 2017.
Titan Comics acquired the rights to use the character for a series of books celebrating Joe Simon’s career and collaborations with Jack Kirby (see “Titan to Publish Joe Simon Volumes”). The publisher released a collection of original Fighting American material in 2011 (see “Review: 'Fighting American' TP”).