Harley Quinn was created by Paul Dini and Bruce Timm for Batman: The Animated Series, first appearing in the September 1992 episode “Joker’s Favor.” The bubbly and chaotic character made the jump to comics a year later, in The Batman Adventures #12, and has since become a fan-favorite.
The book is written by Andrew Farago, curator of the San Francisco Cartoon Art Museum, who has authored the Harvey Award-winning Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Ultimate Visual History and The Looney Tunes Treasury. The 184-page, 11” x 14 “ hardcover will include the iconic covers and panels from Harley’s history, as well as a historical look at the creation and evolution of the character, as told by the writers and artists who brought her to life. The foreword is by co-creator Paul Dini, and the cover art is a specially commissioned piece by Amanda Conner.
MSRP is $45.00, and release is planned for November.
DC is celebrating Harley’s 25th Anniversary this fall, with several releases (see “DC Celebrates 25 Years of Harley Quinn“ and “More Harley Quinn for 25th Anniversary”),including a takeover of the annual Batman Day celebration (see “DC's Beloved Supervillain Takes Over Batman Day”).
See cover and 8 interior pages in the gallery below!