Star Wars Resistance centers on Kazuda Xiono, a young Resistance pilot tasked with spying on the First Order. The series will feature cameos from BB-8, Poe Dameron, and Captain Phasma. Oscar Isaac and Gwendoline Christie, who star in the live action films, will voice their animated counterparts. Christopher Sean (Days of Our Lives), Suzie McGrath (East Enders), Scott Lawrence (Legion), Myrna Velasco (Elena of Avalor), Josh Brener (Silicon Valley), Donald Faison (Scrubs), Bobby Moynihan (DuckTales), Jim Rash (Community), and Rachel Butera (Tammy’s Tiny Tea Time) also lend their voices to the series.
Several veterans of the Star Wars animated universe are working on the project, including series creator Dave Filoni, executive producers Athena Portillo and Justin Ridge, and art director Amy Beth Christenson, all of whom worked on Star Wars: Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels. Brandon Auman (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) is also executive producing.
The animated series is another addition to the ever-widening multi-platform Star Wars mythology. The franchise is also set for a new comic book tie-ins (see “Comic Tie-Ins for 'Solo: A Star Wars Story' From Marvel and IDW”), a new trading card set (see “'Star Wars Masterwork' and 'WWE Legends' Hobby Exclusive Sets”), game expansions (see “Face Thrawn in 'Tyrants of Lothal',” “A New Trilogy of 'Star Wars: Destiny' Dice Binders,” Han Solo, Rebel Commandos Join 'Legion', “'Way of the Force' Joins 'Star Wars: Destiny'”), and more merchandise in the near future.
Disney is also planning a live action Star Wars series for the company’s over-the-top platform (see “Disney Plans Live-Action 'Star Wars' TV Series”). The latest live action film, Solo: A Star Wars Story, will be in theaters on May 25 (see “A Duo of 'Solo' Spots”).