Wolverine: Black, White & Blood is an anthology series that will feature stories from Wolverine’s past by various artists and writers (see “Marvel Plans Wolverine Anthology Title”). The series is slated to launch in November, and the first issue will include three stories, by Gerry Duggan and Adam Kubert, Matthew Rosenberg and Joshua Cassara, and Declan Shalvey.
While this is Ridley’s Marvel debut, he has written several comics for DC and has more in the works, including The Next Batman, part of DC’s Future State program (see “DC Comics Drops ‘DC Future State’ Announcement”), which was announced on October 15. Ridley said in August that he may write Batman as a person of color, although it’s not clear whether he was referring to this series (see “Screenwriter John Ridley to Write Batman Limited Series”). In addition, Ridley is writing the five-issue miniseries The Other History of the DC Universe, which is slated to launch in November (see “‘The Other History of the DC Universe’ Finally Coming to Market”).