Imaged by Rally
Rally, a collectibles equity platform, sold a vintage Wata 9.8 copy of the Super Mario Bros. video game for $2 million dollars.

Super Mario Bros., for the original 8-bit Nintendo Entertainment System, has regained its crown as the Most Expensive Video Game to be sold from its distant grandchild Super Mario 64, which recently went for $1.56 million in July (see "'Super Mario 64'"). This sale tops the sale of a Wata 9.4 Super Mario Bros. that sold last year for $114,000 (see "Heritage Auction") by a whopping 1654%!

Rally is a NYC company that buys physical collectibles and uses them to create offerings of fractional shares, which they allow investors to purchase. Investors can then trade these shares on the site, similar to how one would trade stock, or hold onto them until the item gets sold and cash out. When an offer is made to Rally for the purchase of one of their collectibles, they bring it back to the investors for a vote on whether or not to sell the item. Rally's collection of investor-owned collectibles include items like a 1955 Porsche 356 Speedster, a CGC 9.0 Star Wars #1 $0.35 variant comic book, and a 1976 Apple I Computer signed by Steve Wozniak.   

This copy of Super Mario Bros. was purchased by Rally for $140,000 in April 2020. According to The New York Times, the investors for this particular game received a $300,000 offer last year, and voted to decline it. The recently successful $2 million offer was made by an anonymous buyer.