Synapses Games unveiled two game titles, which will release into U.S. retail in 2024.

The first of the two titles coming in 2024 is Tanuki, a card game featuring furry red pandas dressed up as gardeners, geishas, ninjas, and more. Players play Action or Character cards on their turn in an attempt to harvest bamboo from their garden. The game ends when harvest season is over, and the player with the most bamboo wins. This game is for three to six players, ages 7 and up, and plays in 20 minutes. It will head to retail in Q1 2024.

The second game, which heads to retail in spring 2024, is Finding Atlantis. It is an exploration board game that features a hidden movement mechanic. In this game, players take their submarines to the depths of the ocean and race to be the first to discover the lost city. It is for one to four players, ages 14 and up, and plays in 30 to 60 minutes.

Synapses Games will also release Yokohama, a new version of the strategic board game designed by Hisashi Hayashi (see "'Yokohama'").