With an HBO series in the works, DC Comics is bringing the Green Lantern Corps back together for an ongoing DC All In series to launch in February 2025.  The story picks up after the events of Green Lantern, Green Lantern Civil Corps Special, and the recently announced Green Lantern: Fractured Spectrum, a one-shot announced at New York Comic Con (see “DC’s Next ‘Absolute’ and ‘All In’ Titles”).  The new series, Green Lantern Corps, will be written by Green Lantern writer Jeremy Adams and co-writer Morgan Hampton, with art by Fernando Pasarín and Oclair Albert, and will see Hal Jordan brings the Corps back in order to save the universe from the deadly Fractal Lanterns.  The first issue will be published on February 12, 2025, with a main cover by Pasarín and Albert and variant covers by Dave Wilkins, Ariel Olivetti, Nathan Szerdy, Gavin Guidry, and Keron Grant.

HBO recently revealed casting information for its planned Lanterns series, which was greenlit in July (see “‘Lanterns’ Casting”).

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