Cephalofair Games will release Gloomhaven 2E, a new edition of the hit miniatures board game, into retail in May 2025.

Gloomhaven 2E was originally launched onto BackerKit for preorder on June 20, 2025 alongside the new Gloomhaven RPG and miniatures set (see "'Gloomhaven 2E'").  The campaign raised a total of $5,053,280 from 34,691 backers (about $146 per backer).  The retail edition of the game adds new content to the game as well as rebalances the mercenary classes.  The Scenarios and Monsters are also modified, and the game features over 120 new non-scenario narrative sections and a new Faction reputation system.

This game is for one to four players, ages 14 and up, and plays in 60 to 120 minutes. It will retail for $180.