Results 380-390 of 503
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Sales Estimates for June Based on Diamond Indexes and Publisher Title Data
July 9, 2012
These are estimates of the sales on graphic novels by Diamond U.S. to comic specialty stores during June 2012.
Leading to 'Avengers 2'
June 28, 2012
A usually reliable source says so.
No Longer Recognizable
June 25, 2012
HBO has performed digital plastic surgery to change the head.
Two Autographs per Box
June 20, 2012
The True Blood set will include two autographs per box.
In 'Game of Thrones'
June 15, 2012
HBO and the Game of Thrones showrunners have apologized.
'Big Bang Theory' Is Third
June 12, 2012
Over 4 million pirate each episode of Game of Thrones .
Talks With Zachary Levi Are Ongoing
June 11, 2012
Marvel wants Zachary Levi for Fandral in Thor 2 .
Only 5 'Walking Dead' Titles in the Top 20
June 7, 2012
The success of Whedon's The Avengers is reflected in 3 titles on the list.
Will Also Write Genre Mash-Up
June 5, 2012
Amazon has tapped Barker for the sword-and-sandal/brain-eating mash-up.
'The Spider,' 'Prophecy,' & 'The Lone Ranger'
May 8, 2012
Barrucci talks about The Spider , Prophecy , and The Lone Ranger .
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