Results 4070-4080 of 10220
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New Biography Examines How Lee Changed American Culture
February 9, 2017
Academic publisher Rowman & Littlefield will release a new biography of Stan Lee by cultural historian Bob Batchelor.
'Star Wars' and 'Doctor Aphra' Collide in Crossover Event
February 9, 2017
Marvel is bringing together two of their hit Star Wars comics, Star Wars and Star Wars: Doctor Aphra.
Kelly Sue DeConnick to Co-Write
February 8, 2017
NBC has ordered a pilot for Redliners , a new series based on short stories by Charlaine Harris.
'Guardians of the Galaxy' Gets Retrospective from Insight Editions
February 8, 2017
Marvel’s increasingly popular Guardians of the Galaxy are set to get a deluxe art book retrospective
Column by Steve Bennett
February 8, 2017
This week, Bennett discusses Marvel’s relaunch plans for the X-Men, politics in the comic shop and Marvel’s new diversity campaign.
In 'Iron Fist' Clip
February 8, 2017
Just a day after the trailer, Netflix has released a sneak peek showing off the fighting prowess of supporting character Colleen Wing.
The Final Defender Shows Off His Power
February 7, 2017
Netflix has released the official trailer for Marvel’s Iron Fist .
Geek TV News Round-Up -- Early February
February 5, 2017
Early February has brought news on three geek TV shows in the pipe.
In new Series by Al Ewing and Adam Gorham
February 3, 2017
Marvel has unveiled a new genre of intergalactic crime with Rocket #1.
'March' Back on Top
February 2, 2017
With sales sparked by a Tweetstorm, Congressman John Lewis's memoir series March reclaimed the #1 slot.
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