Results 1430-1440 of 1494
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It Was Good, but Not on Derby Day!
May 13, 2002
Mark Welch of Comic Cubicle and Rick Newman of Pet Shop Comics & Collectibles share thoughts on how FCBD went for their stores.
For Episode II CCG
April 27, 2002
We recently published an article on Gamestop breaking the release date on the Star Wars: Episode II CCG , which prompted this response from a writer who wished to remain 'anonymous' at an unnamed distributor.
With a Few Surprises
April 20, 2002
Our Top 10 Cool lists, which rank the best-selling products in pop culture stores, are dominated by franchise properties (with a few surprises) in our rankings for March 2002.
'Like Death of Superman, Pokemon'
April 18, 2002
Expectations are high for Free Comic Book Day, the comic industry promotional event happening on May 4, the day after the Spider-Man movie opens.
And No Written Hold
April 17, 2002
We heard from a buyer for another specialty retail chain, who told us that while Gamestop was 'notorious' for breaking street dates, in this case his chain had also been shipped earlier than necessary to make the street date.
Two Retailers Give You Tips
April 16, 2002
Non-sports trading cards can be a successful product category, so we sought out a couple of retailers that we were told do an especially good job of merchandising and promoting entertainment cards to find out their secrets.
Keith Strohm Bagged
March 17, 2002
Sabertooth Games, publisher of the Warhammer 40,000 CCG, has announced that Keith Strohm has joined the company as Director of Communications.
Plus Surprising Price Point Trends
March 17, 2002
Two #1 products repeated in February, a testament to the strength of some recent releases and the weaker competition scheduled for this normally weak month.
Mall Kids Driving Book Numbers Up
March 9, 2002
All three of the largest US manga publishers told ICv2 that sales are booming for manga trade paperbacks.
Check Out the Mix
February 26, 2002
January is a transition month in the pop culture products business, with the first week or two typically showing strong post-Christmas sales, followed by slowing traffic as the winter doldrums set in. But there was a lot of activity in pop culture stores this January, with especially strong releases in the comic category.
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