Results 1410-1420 of 1441
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DVD Rules!
July 24, 2001
The retailer sales numbers that ICv2 has collected for June continue to display the trends that we have seen over the past six months.
Bloodthirsty Card Game to Bow in Late 2001
June 26, 2001
Initially the game will have about 230-250 cards with four different theme decks (55 cards each) for each of the competing forces: Orks, Marines, Chaos, and Eldar. Decks will be packed 12 per display.
Cross-Category Effort Hopes To Avoid Past Mistakes
June 25, 2001
The Game Industry Forum and the Comic Book Industry Alliance, two popular Internet discussion forums for the members of their respective trades are sponsoring an effort to create an organization that would include both comic and game retailers.
Best-sellers in Pop Culture Stores
May 27, 2001
Trends that we have seen during the first quarter, such as the increasing dominance of the DVD format, the overall sales importance of high ticket items, and the continuing reign of CCGs are even more apparent in the April numbers.
Hasbro Rides on Disney Film's Coattails
May 26, 2001
Pearl Harbor opened this weekend, and Hasbro's new line of Pearl Harbor G.I. Joe figures just happened to hit the marketplace the same week
D-Day Set for June
April 19, 2001
Wizard Entertainment is preparing its first totally anime publication, Anime Invasion , which is being solicited in the current (April) edition of Diamond Previews . Retailers will be able to select from two different covers, one featuring an Akira design by Pat Lee ( Warlands ), and one with a DBZ and Sailor Moon 'Toonami' cover. The magazine will carry a $4.99 cover price.
What Recession?
April 6, 2001
Maybe it's because the specialty market is counter-cyclical, or maybe it's because it is product driven and there are lots of good products in the offing, but according to retailers ICv2 heard from, the pulse of the industry is strong right now, at least judging from the talk at the DC RRP.
DVDs Start To Dominate
April 4, 2001
The Top 10 Cool lists for February, 2001 have just gone up on ICv2, and our comments are below. These lists are compiled from actual sales submitted by retailers.
Free Love, Libel Charges, and Collectibility Gone Mad!
March 25, 2001
Sometimes the pop culture products industry gets pretty wild and woolly, and last week was such a time, with three stories in different venues providing some diversion from our regularly scheduled programming.
Also Has CCG License
March 28, 2001
Decipher Inc. announced this week at GAMA that they have acquired the license to create roleplaying games based on the Lord of the Rings trilogy.
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