In Ariel and the Sea Wolf, young Ariel befriends the occupant of a cave that is rumored to eat anyone who enteres. The story examines the idea that sometimes what you hear isn’t what you should believe.
Ariel and the Sea Wolf is the latest entry in Dark Horse’s Disney line, which kicked off earlier this year with Disney Frozen (see “Dark Horse Will Let It Go With 'Frozen' Miniseries”). The line has also included releases for Wreck It Ralph(see “Joss Whedon's 'Dr. Horrible,' Tom Clancy's 'The Division,' Disney's 'Wreck It Ralph'”), Alladin (see “Disney Princess Jasmine Gets a New Pet in OGN”), Zootopia (see “'Disney Zootopia: Friends to the Rescue'”), and The Incredibles (see “The Incredibles Are 'Heroes at Home' in New Graphic Novel and Miniseries”).