The Journal of the Travellers Aid Society was a series of game supplements for the Traveller role playing game, published in periodical format during that game’s “classic” period. The original run began in 1979 and continued through 1985. It was briefly revived in the 1990s by Imperium Games and as an e-zine by Steve Jackson Games from 2000 to 2015. The Journal, known to fans as “JTAS,” provided background material, adventure ideas, and other material for use in the game.
Mongoose is gathering material from the original run of the magazine as well as other fan-based publications from the era and updating it for use with the current edition of the game. The Journal will also feature all-new material for use with the game.
The initial run of the new Journal will be three 128-page books published in an 8.5” by 5.5” format. Additional books will be released every two to four weeks, with a total of six volumes planned so far. The final MSRP has not been set, but the company expects it to be around $24.99 per volume.
Funding for the production run is being raised through a Kickstarter campaign that has attracted $72,476 in pledged support from 771 backers as of this writing (an average of $94.00 per backer), easily surpassing the campaign’s goal of $19,707. Backer fulfillment is scheduled for September, with release into the trade to follow.
Mongoose took over the Traveller game in 2016 (see “‘Traveller’ RPG Returns”). Last year, it inspired a customizable card game (see “Classic RPG ‘Traveller’ Becomes Customizable Card Game”).