The Eisner Award-winning series (see "'Saga' Stands Out at the 2017 Eisners") created by Jeff Lemire and Dean Ormston returns with a new ongoing series that starts 25 years after the Age of Doom. Black Hammer and Spiral City’s superheroes sacrificed themselves to defeat the Anti-God in 1986, but Lucy Weber, the daughter of Black Hammer, refused to believe they were dead. Lucy, who took up the mantle of Black Hammer, is now living in the suburbs of Spiral City, is married, and has children. However, her domestic life starts falling apart and she picks up the Black Hammer once again.
The new series adds Caitlin Yarsky as the new main series artist and features colors by Dave Stewart with lettering by Nate Piekos. Issues #5 through #8 will showcase the work of guest artists Malachi Ward and Matt Sheean. The first issue also will feature a variant cover by Jeff Lemire and Dave Stewart that is a homage to Walter Simonson’s The Mighty Thor #337.
Dark Horse released Colonel Weird: Cosmagog #1 last year (see "'Black Hammer' Spinoff Series Explores the Mind of Colonel Weird ").
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