The Kickstarter campaign for the four-issue miniseries and collected edition had a unique twist: Some of the stretch goals were tied to retailer-exclusive covers by Rafael Albuquerque, Dike Ruan, Joe Quesada, Walt Simonson, Humberto Ramos, Dan Panosian, and Sean Murphy. As these goals were met, the covers were made available for retailers to order. The campaign, which ended in November 2023, brought in $302,107 in pledges from 2,695 backers, so all the stretch goals were unlocked. The campaign page also included a “Support your comic shop!” button with a link to preorder the comics from Diamond.
The $300,000+ total would have put the Zorro Kickstarter in the top 15 Kickstarter comics campaigns of 2022 (see “Kickstarter Reveals Top 15 Comics Projects of 2022”).