Released by Rio Grande in 2020 (see “Rio Grande Games Takes Humanity ‘Beyond the Sun’”), Beyond the Sun was a space exploration game created by freshman designer Dennis Chan. Co-designers Adam Hill (River Valley Glassworks, Motor City), Ben Pinchback (Fleet, Three Sisters), and Matt Riddle (Fleet, Three Sisters) have developed this new version of the game, now set in human history.
In the game, players become leaders of civilizations competing through exploration, city-building, technology, and cultural development, each offering ways to gain advantages. Beyond the Horizon also features a new exploration map designed to give players more control over decision-making. Beyond the Horizon was released in Europe last year by Cranio Creations. The game is intended for two to four players and plays in about two hours. MSRP is $59.95. Retailers who order the game before the end of January will be eligible to receive free nine-card promo packs to support the game.Capstone recently launched Atlantis Exodus (see “‘Atlantis Exodus’ Heads to Preorder”). Later this year, the company will bring Czech publisher Albi’s Tea Garden to North America (see “Capstone Bringing ‘Tea Garden’ to N.A.”).