As 'Codenames' Breaks Out
December 31, 2016
As was the case in 2014, the holiday season brought out hordes of shoppers who’d heard about direct-to-consumer card games such as Cards Against Humanity ,
As Category Continues to Grow
December 31, 2016
It was another great holiday season for board games, with some reporting sales increases as much as 50%.
Awareness Brings Players, Sales
December 31, 2016
The roleplaying game category is the strongest it’s been in years, based on what we hear from the trade.
ICv2 Rating: 4 Stars (Out of 5)
December 31, 2016
Like the stealthy ninjas that provide its inspiration, the fun of this game sneaks up on you.
ICv2 Stars: 4 (Out of 5)
December 31, 2016
Fluxx games are a matter of controlled chaos, and this instance of the series is a very good one.
In the Hobby Games Business
March 30, 2016
The year that just ended, 2015, was a seventh consecutive growth year in the hobby games business, according to retailers, distributors, and publishers interviewed by ICv2.