Thirteen Second Tier Titles Up by Six Bits
January 1, 2003
ICv2 has confirmed that Marvel is planning to raise the cover price of 13 of its titles from $2.25 to $2.99 starting with titles shipping in April.
Auctions Starts on eBay
November 24, 2002
The Comic Book Legal Defense Fund announced today that Mile High Comics' Chuck Rozanski has donated the oldest CGC 10.0 graded comic in existence, Thor #156, to the Fund to be auctioned to support its work.
From $2.25 to $269.95
November 18, 2002
Retailers reporting their top dollar products to ICv2 based on October sales listed products with retail prices varying by over a factor of 100, showing that it's not necessarily a high price (or a low one) that produces big dollar volume.
Night Thrasher In Development For UPN
October 23, 2002
The Hollywood Reporter has disclosed that UPN is developing a one-hour television series based on the character Night Thrasher from the Marvel New Warriors comic book. The Night Thrasher was a tech-savvy African American martial artist...
Including Associated Articles
November 17, 2008
ICv2's popular monthly Top 300 Comics and Top 300 Graphic Novel lists have now been archived for your convenience.
Lots of Cross-Promotions
May 11, 2002
On Saturday, May 4, Bookery Fantasy (Fairborn, OH) gave away thousands of free comics, introducing hundreds of new potential readers to the exciting world of illustrated adventure.
Five Extra Pages in Every Book
April 8, 2002
Marvel has announced final details of its May Insert program, which will encompass every comic the publisher will release that month to sample the additional readers that are expected to pick up comics as a result of the Spider-Man movie.
Or Did It End on Schedule
February 4, 2002
The American Family Association Website reported that Taco Bell shut down its Cardcaptors promotion in response to complaints that the 'clow cards' from Cardcaptors are 'similar in appearance to tarot cards used in occult practices.'
What about Quality?
January 11, 2002
Marvel's new hardcover program continues to draw retailer response. Here's a different take from a retailer who's more concerned about production quality than price -- Terry Allen of Bonanza Books and Comics in Modesto, California.
She Likes It
December 10, 2001
We got a quick response to Ilan Strasser's comments on Marvel's book pricing yesterday. Tricia Hovorka, President of, feels that Marvel's pricing represents a reasonable strategy and good value.