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Sales Estimates for January Based on Diamond Indexes and Publisher Title Data
February 10, 2014
These are estimates of the sales on graphic novels by Diamond U.S. to comic specialty stores during January 2014.
Sales Estimates for January Based on Diamond Indexes and Publisher Title Data
February 10, 2014
These are estimates of the sales on comic books by Diamond U.S. to comic specialty stores during January 2014.
Combined Sales Down 5% Year-Over-Year
February 7, 2014
Slumping graphic novel sales dragged down the average in January.
Nick Lowe
February 4, 2014
Senior Editor Nick Lowe moves from X-Men -titles to Spider-Man- titles in February.
Tied to Super Bowl Ads
February 3, 2014
Ads aired during the Super Bowl were tied to longer videos with new footage.
Column by Rob Salkowitz
January 27, 2014
Columnist Rob Salkowitz talks about this hot topic.
Year-end Stats, Madefire, Marvel, Manga, More
January 23, 2014
A recap of the action in the digital comics space since mid-December.
Column by Steve Bennett
January 22, 2014
This week, Bennett talks about the death of The Watcher, Barbarella , and 2014 movies.
Ridiculous May of 2016 Currently Has 4 Superhero Tentpoles
January 17, 2014
Four superhero tentpoles are now slated for May 2016.
James Patrick, Ray Height, Mia Goodwin, More
January 15, 2014
Action Lab Entertainment has announced several new series planned for release in 2014.
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