Results 3700-3710 of 10217
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Covers and Creative Teams
October 11, 2017
Marvel released more details about Phoenix Resurrection .
Column by Steve Bennett
October 11, 2017
This week, Steve Bennett rounds up news from New York Comic Con.
In 'X-Men Gold' Annual #1
October 11, 2017
The original Excalibur gang is getting back together.
'A Tale of Two Cities'
October 10, 2017
If current trends continue, bookstores will surpass comic shops by the end of the decade.
Column by Rob Salkowitz
October 10, 2017
Neil Gaiman, Dave Sim and Carmine Infantino are bit players while Phil Seuling, Chuck Rozanski and ICv2's own Milton Griepp are the protagonists.
Geek TV News Round-Up
October 9, 2017
New York Comic Con News: New York Comic Con had a few revelations for upcoming and existing TV series.
Based on the Hit Disney Film
October 9, 2017
New York Comic Con News: Big Hero 6 is returning to comics from IDW Publishing.
Sales Estimates for September Based on Diamond Indexes and Publisher Title Data
October 9, 2017
These are estimates of the sales on comic books by Diamond U.S. to comic specialty stores during September 2017.
Sales Estimates for September Based on Diamond Indexes and Publisher Title Data
October 9, 2017
These are estimates of the sales on graphic novels by Diamond U.S. to comic specialty stores during September 2017.
Final 'Umbrella Academy' Arc Due in 2018; Titan Announces New Statix Title
October 9, 2017
Returnable comics, sparks, and more at Diamond's Retailer Appreciation Breakfast.
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