Another Marvel Project Gathers Steam
July 1, 2001
The British website Empire On Line is reporting that Oscar-winning actor Nicholas Cage will star as Johnny Blaze in a movie version of the Ghost Rider comic. The film will be directed by Steven Norrington, who brought Marvel's Blade to the big screen.
But X-Books, Green Arrow Dip
June 30, 2001
North American comic shop orders increased in the aggregate again for July, with the total dollars up around 10% from June.
Quantity Estimates Based on Diamond Guides and External Title Data
June 30, 2001
Orders by comic shops (Diamond U.S. customers) for the Top 300 Comics shipping in July.
Strength at All Order Levels
June 6, 2001
Comic orders from North American comic shops strengthened in June, with increased sales at all levels of the chart reflecting the retailer confidence associated with the kick-off of the summer selling season and a seemingly strong underlying sales trend.
Calendars, Posters, Resins Now--More to Come?
June 6, 2001
Marvel Comics has signed an 'expansive' three-year licensing agreement with Diamond Select Toys, a sister company of Diamond Comic Distributors.
Quantity Estimates Based on Diamond Indexes and External Title Data
June 6, 2001
This article contains a chart showing the top 300 comic titles ordered from Diamond North America based on Diamond's reported title indexes and external title data, and interpolation of the remaining numbers.
Marvel's Bookstore Business 'Exploding'
June 5, 2001
In today's Marvel press conference, Marvel President Bill Jemas took the blame for the impression '...that it often does look like we are out to get comic shops -- a lot of that is my personal failure to provide complete information about the policies....
Another Marvel Film Project
May 30, 2001
Marvel has entered into an agreement with Dimension Films, a subdivision of Miramax, to develop a film based on the relatively short-lived 1980s comic Cloak and Dagger .
No Gauze for Alarm
May 6, 2001
Overcoming an early spate of bad reviews, The Mummy Returns started the summer movie season off with a bang last weekend by bringing in $70.1 million, the largest non-holiday opening in box office history.
Over-all Numbers Solid
May 3, 2001
All of Marvel's X-books except Ultimate took substantial jumps in sales between April and May, reflecting new creative teams...