New Game Set in the 40K Universe
August 27, 2012
Relic , a new board game set in the 40K universe should be out in Q4.
From Fantasy Flight Games
August 20, 2012
FFG announced its plans for the Star Wars RPG at Gen Con.
From 'ICv2's Internal Correspondence' #79
July 25, 2012
This chart of the Top 5 Non-Collectible Miniature Lines (hobby channel) reflects sales in Spring 2012.
Column by Scott Thorne
July 8, 2012
This week, Thorne details the travails of dealing with the release of Warhammer 40K 6th Edition .
'Collector's' & 'Gamer's' Editions Available
June 25, 2012
The 6th Edition rulebook is available in three different editions.
Column by Scott Thorne
June 25, 2012
This week, Thorne looks at Dungeon Crawl Classics and Free RPG Day.
Games Workshop Teaser Indicates Impending Release
June 18, 2012
It appears that major news about Warhammer 40K 6E is due soon.
Proliferation of 3-D Printers Creating More Rights Issues
May 31, 2012
Copying 3-D objects creates major IP issues and could affect cons.
Awards this Weekend
May 30, 2012
The nominees will form the ballot for the awards this weekend.
Hardcover Supplement Due in Q3
May 9, 2012
Supplement for RPG set in Warhammer 40K world is due in Q3.