Column by Steve Bennett
September 10, 2014
This week, Steve Bennett looks at Marvel’s anti-bullying variant covers.
The Russo Brothers Explain the Marvel Studio Method
September 10, 2014
The Russos explain the Marvel Studios method of movie creation.
Week of September 9th, 2014
September 8, 2014
Captain America: The Winter Soldier is #1 of the most accomplished Marvel films so far.
For Seven October-Shipping Titles
September 3, 2014
Check out five of the variant covers here.
Also Separate FCBD SKU
September 2, 2014
Two SKUs, one intended for FCBD, will be released.
As Driving Sales Increases
September 2, 2014
An important source of growth in the quarter.
Photobombing Historic Covers--Deadpool Style
August 25, 2014
Pooly reimagines historic covers in October.
Stepping into Amazon, Disney Fight
August 19, 2014
Walmart has become a player in the Amazon-Disney dispute.
Pirated 'Expendables 3' Bombs
August 17, 2014
Pirated Expendables 3 tanks as Guardians of the Galaxy tops $200 million.
Column by Steve Bennett
August 13, 2014
This week, Bennett looks at lost opportunities to promote comics by Disney and Marvel.