Sales Estimates for August Based on Diamond Indexes and Publisher Title Data
September 19, 2004
These are estimates of the sales on graphic novels by Diamond U.S. to comic specialty stores during August 2004.
Comic Stores and Books; Market Challenges
August 17, 2004
In Part III, we talk about how comic stores can share in the growth in book format comic sales, and about the challenges facing the market.
And His Collaborators
June 16, 2004
Fantagraphics Books will publish Hanging Out With the Dream King: Interviews With Neil Gaiman and His Collaborators this October.
Wake Up!
May 10, 2004
Robert Scott of Comickaze in San Diego, California saw our recent coverage of Hellboy , Punisher , and Free Comic Book Day, and feels that comics just need more marketing support to be a lot more successful.
Hidden Gems Available For Retailers
April 11, 2004
The 16th annual Eisner Award nominees have been announced.
Of 'Graphic Novels'
January 25, 2004
The first two titles on the current BookScan graphic novel list are strip reprints.
Coalition Fights Display Law
January 14, 2004
The Comic Book Legal Defense Fund has joined a coalition challenging the constitutionality of a new Michigan law.
'Marvel Age' Updates the Classics
December 22, 2003
Marvel has announced Marvel Age , a new imprint of 'all ages' comic books targeting both new and young readers.
JLA/Avengers Leads the Pack
January 26, 2004
Sales of comic books sagged in October according to our analysis of rankings supplied by Diamond Comic Distributors.
Sales Estimates for October Based on Diamond Indexes and Publisher Title Data
January 26, 2004
These are estimates of the sales on graphic novels by Diamond U.S. to comic specialty stores during October 2003.