Results 630-640 of 677
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Sales Estimates for March Based on Diamond Indexes and Publisher Title Data
April 9, 2012
These are estimates of the sales on graphic novels by Diamond U.S. to comic specialty stores during March 2012.
With Matthew Vaughan
March 26, 2012
Writer Jane Goldman is working with Matthew Vaughan on a sequel.
Things Could Get Sticky
March 7, 2012
The phenom behind Chronicle is in talks to direct a Venom movie.
DVD Round-Up: Week of August 9th
August 7, 2011
No film of 2011 captures the geek soul like Greg Mottola's Paul.
One of Only 2 Comics in Past 6 Months Over 100K
April 11, 2011
Marvel's FF #1 topped the comic charts in March.
Column by Steve Bennett
March 17, 2011
This week, Bennett talks about the portrayal of libraries in comics and the recent appearance of Super-Hip.
Will Debut in ASM #656
December 14, 2010
Marvel has released the cover image for Amazing Spider-Man #656, which depicts Spidey in a brand-new suit of armor.
In March
December 10, 2010
Marvel will launch a new ongoing Venom series in March, written by Rick Remender with art by Tony Moore.
From 'Zombieland'
January 6, 2010
Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick have been signed to write the screenplay for Deadpool.
First in Koto's 'Marvel Villains'
October 8, 2009
Kotobukiya has unveiled new images of its 13-inch cold cast porcelain statue of Venom.
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